Friday, May 30, 2008

Natural Zoft Breast Enhancement Gum

Zoft Breast Enhancement Gum promotes the reactivation and proliferation of the necessary hormones. Your body will once again encourage breast growth, this time under the careful control of Zoft’s special blend of natural herbs. Zoft Breast Enhancement Gum contains phytoestrogens, which are naturally occurring non-hormonal plant estrogens that stimulate the body to produce new breast tissue growth. The effects can be likened to a second puberty for your breasts.

Each piece of gum contains a revolutionary sustained release system that orally delivers the 120-mg proprietary blend of active ingredients that are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. This delivery system relies on micro-sized beads that are released by chewing the gum and are immediately absorbed into the tissue of the lining in the mouth through the capillaries that lie close to the surface. This process allows the supplement to be absorbed within seconds and bypasses the solubility and absorption problems that accompany traditional nutritional supplements.

Following the initial therapy, individuals do not have to take the product forever. We do, however, recommend a maintenance dose that consists of taking the product for a 1-2 week interval every 4-6 months to maintain all of the size and fullness you have gained.

Zoft Breast Enhancement Gum is specially formulated to help users achieve fuller, firmer breasts -- thus working to reduce the appearance of sagging. Indeed, our product is especially popular among women who seek a natural alternative to a breast lift.

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