Monday, May 11, 2009

Know About Natural Breast Enhancement

The notion of natural breast enhancement is an exciting one. Medical experts recommend the following measures to best protect your breasts while maximizing your overall health:

Eat a well-balanced diet - Include lots of fruits and vegetables, and keep your intake of fried foods, red meat, and junk food to a bare minimum. Prevent taking hydrogenated fats like margarine and vegetable shortening. (Be conscious of products that are in many store-bought crackers, cakes, and cookies - even health-store brands.) Cook with olive, peanut, sunflower, or sesame oils and butter or - better still - clarified butter (ghee) on bread. Choose to eat in nature foods and use environmental friendly cleaning products. Many artificial chemicals mimic hormones and cause physical and emotional disorder in your body and mind.

Try to avoid caffeine - this includes chocolate, coffee, caffeinated sodas, tea, etc. Avoid becoming overweight - No need to diet, just adopt the two suggestions above and you should naturally stay in shape. Do not smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products - Like alcohol, smoking has been linked to breast cancer. Do exercises that involve the movements of your shoulders and build up your chest and upper arm strength regularly. Do not use underarm deodorant that contains aluminum salts or other compounds. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can enter the blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge the immune system.

Take in supplements such as vitamins E, C, and B-complex as well as minerals. When your stress level is high, eat mineral-rich sea vegetables or take mineral supplements. Take the supplement exactly as prescribed by the maker, at approximately the same time every day. Expose your breasts to sun and moonlight. It feels good to experience the sun, sea, and air on the rest of your body at topless beaches or in the privacy of your back yard.